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Working From Home with Hot Flashes

Menopause symptoms are enough to handle during normal circumstances, let alone during the pandemic we all are experiencing. The stress and worry may be causing an influx of hot flashes, and you find yourself constantly running
around, trying to find ways to quickly cool down.

If you are working from home right now, this isn’t very practical or a great use of your time. With meetings, projects and everything else going on with others at home, it can feel hard to keep the control you may have once had at the

We here at Humantec Inc are all working from home and wanted to offer some of our tips and tricks to stay cool, calm and collected while working remotely with hot flashes. Here are our top 4 tips!

1. Keep Your Work and Living Space Separate.

This can make all the difference in the world. During your working hours, it can be easy to get distracted by things; like what needs to be done around the house, a show on Netflix that is binge worthy, or general family stuff.

This can be said the other way around. When you are done work for the day, do you find yourself checking your emails after dinner or as you go to bed? Keeping these spaces separate allows you to focus on what you need to in the moment.

2. Set a Daily Routine

This can be useful in two parts. Before and During work hours. We all had a routine when we were heading into the office. Making sure you were up at a certain time, then breakfast, coffee, and off to work. When you got to the office, you had a schedule of what needed to be completed by the end of the day. You can still create this routine.

Waking up and giving yourself time to go for a walk, have breakfast, stretch and do yoga before going to your work space can help feel that you have accomplished and taken control of your morning.

Once work hours begin, make a list of everything you wish to accomplish for the day and work on each task separately.

Without a routine, it can be easy to get distracted, feel disorganized and you may find yourself with multiple tasks that don’t ever get completed.

3. Give Yourself Breaks (and Take Them!)

With a daily routine, it is important to ensure you have breaks in your day. Grab a cup of tea, go for a small walk for fresh air, whatever you need to be able to give your mind some rest will help decrease any stress you may find yourself in.

4. Keep Control of Your Hot Flashes

Stressful moments can easily happen when working from home, which can trigger hot flashes. If your work consists of multiple phone calls, presentations and video conferences, it’s hard to keep running back and forth to the freezer for something cool or the shower to rinse off.

Like being in the office, having Menopod in your work space can help you keep that control without having to rush around the house finding whatever means to get control and comfort.


Remember, you are not alone in your home bound experience. We hope you are staying safe and healthy! If you have any other tips that have worked for you, share in the comments. 

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